
Siddique curry is the best curry in Japan because of its varieties and taste. the taste of pakistani, indian cuisine can be found here. we delivery frozen curry online all over japan. we have home delivery. we are collaborating with different curry makers including gogo curry to make some japanese style curry available for our customers too. currently we have pakistani and indian style curry nan, chicken biryani, rice, pulao, mutton biryani, beef biryani online and in our restaurants all across japan. Siddique group japan has many halal restaurants all over Tokyo. The most famous is National Mart Shinokubo. It is a halal shop in famous muslim street in Shinokubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo which servers halal food from 10:30am to 10:30pm.

We have halal restaurant in Tokyo tower named Siddique Palace. This is the only halal restaurant with the most beautiful and prime location.

【冷凍】シディーク特製 エビカレー 200g



商品名 エビカレー
内容量 200g
原材料名 野菜(玉ねぎ、トマト、生姜、にんにく)、植物油脂、牛乳、生クリーム、ココナッツミルク、えび、カシューナッツ、バター 食塩、カレースパイス(原材料にえび、乳及び乳加工品を含む)
保存方法 マイナス18℃以下で冷凍保存
賞味期限 冷凍で6カ月
辛さ マイルド
調理方法 沸騰したお湯で12~15分間湯煎してお召し上がりください。

在庫状態 : 在庫有り

販売価格  ¥821(税込)

